domingo, outubro 28, 2012

CEC2012: expectativas mantidas pelos residentes em relação ao evento, antes deste arrancar

«Numa altura em que ainda não havia programação conhecida do público, havia quem preferisse esperar mais algum tempo até o evento começar para formar uma opinião a esse respeito. A narrativa do nosso entrevistado mostra-nos a sua posição:
“Não tenho expectativas. Prognósticos só no final do jogo (…). Do que nós vamos fazer, acreditamos que vamos fazer o melhor (…)” (Director de Maus Hábitos).
Numa outra linha de pensamento, as expectativas também se revelavam pouco optimistas. O efeito mais imediatista do evento era realçado mas, a longo prazo, era assumido constituir uma incógnita. A narrativa que se segue dá-nos conta disso:
“Eu vejo estes eventos um bocadinho como uma ´bola de neve`, isto é, (…) basta as coisas começarem a acontecer que as coisas vão-se desenvolvendo naturalmente, e vão, se calhar, aparecendo outros produtos (…). Portanto, as expectativas (…) não são muito positivas (…) Mas, penso que não vão ser tão más quanto isso porque desde que se faça um bocado de festa (…) as coisas cumprem o seu objectivo imediato. Se cumprem os objectivos futuros isso depois já é outra questão” (Membro da Conferência Permanente de Cidadãos).
Cruzando as diversas opiniões, as declarações recolhidas dão-nos conta de preocupação com o que irá acontecer após a CEC, ou seja, quando o financiamento público começar a baixar ou cessar, e sobre quem irá financiar e manter as infra-estruturas que ficarão do evento. A narrativa que se segue expressa estas preocupações:
“Tenho fracas expectativas. Oxalá me engane. Eu acho que o ano de 2012 vai ser inundado de eventos (…). Mas quando a torneira da CEC fechar, Guimarães vai ficar na mesma e provavelmente pior porque ainda não falamos das infra-estruturas mas vamos falar (…) as instituições vão ter que viver com os seus próprios recursos (…)” (Presidente da Associação de Socorros Mútuos Artística Vimaranense).»

Mécia Mota
Paula Cristina Remoaldo
J. Cadima Ribeiro

(excerto de comunicação, intitulada AS PERCEPÇÕES DAS ASSOCIAÇÕES LOCAIS DO MEGA-EVENTO ´GUIMARÃES CAPITAL EUROPEIA DA CULTURA 2012`, apresentada na 6ª feira pp., em Santiago de Compostela, no XIII Colóquio Ibérico de Geografia

segunda-feira, outubro 22, 2012

NECTAR 2013 International Conference on “Dynamics of Global and Local Networks”

«Dear colleague,

The NECTAR Cluster Accessibility is organising sessions at the NECTAR 2013 International Conference in Azores Islands (Portugal), 16‐18 June 2013

Please find attached a call for papers [http://www.nectar‐]. The deadline for abstract submission is November 30.

Feel free to forward the call.

On behalf of the Nectar Cluster 6 Coordination Team,

Karst Geurs

Dr. ing. Karst T. Geurs
Universiteit Twente, Vakgroep Verkeer, Vervoer en Ruimte, Postbus 217, 7500AE Enschede
Centre for Transport Studies, University of Twente , P.O. Box 217, 7500AE Enschede
Tel: +31 53 489 1056 / Mob: +31 6 54 72 63 02

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, reencaminhada por APDR - | E-mail:

quinta-feira, outubro 18, 2012

"Call for Abstracts - IFKAD 2013 - Zagreb, Coratia - 12-14 June 2013"

"8th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics
12-14 June 2013, Zagreb - Croatia

on the theme of
Smart Growth: Organizations, Cities and Communities


Dear Josè Cadima Ribeiro,

We cordially invite you to submit a structured abstract to the 8th International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics (IFKAD2013) on the theme: “Smart Growth: Organizations, Cities and Communities”. The Forum will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, on 12-14 June 2013

The aim of the 8thIFKAD is to explore the relevance of the knowledge and intellectual capital management for supporting business organizations as well as regional and urban systems to evolve and become smarter. The focus of IFKAD2013 is on the understanding of the knowledge value drivers that influence the smart growth of organizations, local system, and communities.

In today’s business landscape the creation of sustainable value and wealth appears more and more related to the capacity of shaping smart organizational systems and communities. Increasingly the concept of ‘smart growth’ is becoming a key issue in the strategic agenda of both business organizations and public authorities. Creating and evolving towards smart, sustainable and inclusive organizations and communities emerge as a key-lever to activate and support development paths in the 21st century. This is the focus of the European Union’s Europe 2020 strategy and US Smart Growth America programme.

The IFKAD2013 includes general topics and specific track sessions focusing on key topic related to the main theme of the conference. Please visit the website to see the complete list of themes and special track sessions.

Doctoral Consortium is a specific track of the IFKAD 2013 conference dedicated to discussing the works of doctoral students. The idea is to create a forum in which doctoral students are provided with particularly constructive feedback for developing their research projects. Doctoral Consortium is targeted to PhD students at any stage of their studies. The submission criteria for Doctoral Consortium papers are the same as for other academic papers.

For the submission of the structured abstract please use the electronic upload procedure of our website. All submissions will undergo a double blind peer review. We kindly invite you to follow the authors' guidelines published on our website for structuring your abstract/paper.


All accepted and registered papers will be included in the Forum Proceedings with ISBN and ISSN number. The proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in the Thomson Reuters CPCI database (previous proceedings already indexed)
Following the Conference, authors of the selected high quality papers will be invited to submit their papers for publication in Special Issues of following high-impact international academic journals:
» Journal of Knowledge Management
» Journal of Intellectual Capital
» Knowledge Management Research and Practice
» Expert System with Applications

» Measuring Business Excellence
» International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development
» European Research on Management and Business Economics


Abstracts submission deadline: 25 January 2013
Acceptance notification to authors: 20 February 2013
Early-Bird registration deadline: 31 March 2013
Full papers submission deadline: 20 April 2013
Registration deadline: 25 May 2013
Conference sessions: 12-14 June 2013

Please, if you need further information about the IFKAD 2013 conference, do not hesitate to contact our manager at, or visit the official website:

We thank you for your interest in bringing together a successful conferenceof IFKAD 2013.
Sincerely yours

Ante Pulic, Giovanni Schiuma and JC Spender
Chairmen of IFKAD 2013"

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

terça-feira, outubro 09, 2012

"LAST CALL FOR PAPERS | Special Workshop APDR ´Modelling for Accessibility and Regional Development`"


Special Workshop APDR
 “Modelling for Accessibility and Regional Development” 

Deadline for submissions: 18 October 2012

Workshop Integrated on the seminar:

International seminar titled ‘APPLIED RESEARCH AND MODELING ADVANCES ON ACCESSIBILITY IN SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT - JOINT MEETING’ which represents a junction between two different international seminars but whose themes are related: the ‘5th Seminar of Spatial Econometrics in honor of Doctor J.H.P. Paelinck’  (dedicated to the theme of Econometrics Territorial with numerous applications in Europe and in the world) and the seminar ‘NECTAR - Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research, Cluster 6 on Accessibility Meeting ’ (dedicated to the importance of accessibility in the development of European regions). This meeting will take place in Coimbra, on 26 and 27 October 2012, at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra.

Although these two seminars have as primary objective scientific research and selection of works of excellence for possible publication, its junction also aims to present case studies on applications that demonstrate the relationship between accessibility and territorial economic development, using new analysis methodologies such as territorial econometrics.

All information about the seminar can be found here
 (, with some aspects still to be updated.

For members of APDR the Registration is 75 Euros (Non members is 100 Euros).
The dinner of the congress must be paid separately having the value of 30 Euros.

Deadline for submissions: 18 October 2012.

Abstracts should be submitted electronically, to apdr@apdr.ptusing the template that is available on
indicating in the Subject“Special Workshop APDR, “Modelling for Accessibility and Regional Development”, Coimbra - Abstract".

Abstract submission should include:
1) Title of the Paper
2) Author Information
3) Abstract Text (500 words limit) should include:
    Data / Methods
    Results / Expected Results
4) Key words

Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional
Universidade dos Açores | Rua Capitão João D'Ávila | 9700-042 - Angra do Heroísmo
Tel/Fax: (+351) 295 332 001 | | E-mail:

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

sexta-feira, outubro 05, 2012

" 8th International Meeting 'City, Image and Memory`"

«8th International Meeting
City, Image and Memory
21 - 24 May 2013. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
Deadline of abstracts submission: 31 January 2013
The Constructions Faculty and the Department of Architecture and Urbanism of the Universidad de Oriente, Cuba,  have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the VIII INTERNATIONAL MEETING CITY IMAGE AND MEMORY (VIII CIM) that will count with the co-auspice of Forum UNESCO University and Heritage managed by the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre (WHC), The Office of Public Works and Transport of Andalucía, the Office for the Cooperation and the Development of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, the Faculty of Architecture of the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla, the Office of the Conservative of the City of Santiago of Cuba, the National Union of Writers and Artists of  Cuba (UNEAC),  Santiago of Cuba Province and the National Union of Architects and Engineers of the Construction of Cuba (UNAICC), Santiago of Cuba Province. As in the previous editions, it will be developed ha! ving as headquarters to Santiago of Cuba, from May 21 to May 24, 2013. 
Topic: Heritage and its Challenges in the 21st Century 
  • Conservation of the modern heritage. Challenges and perspectives. 
  • Researches and experiences in the performances in heritage sites. 
  • The professional training and the interdisciplinary work for the recovery of heritage. 
  • Students workshop for the evaluation of heritage in the 21st century. 
Presentation of papers
  • Oral: communications of 10 minutes and debates in round tables. 
  • Poster: 940 mm x 700 mm (a maximum of 2 posters per work) 
  • Videos: as a complement of the works (not longer than 10 minutes). 
  • Audiovisual: Power point, multimedia, videos  
The papers will be presented in digital format, in Microsoft Word (Arial No. 12), single spaced and with a maximum of 12 pages that include graphics, planes and annexes. The beginnings of each paragraph will be aligned, separating each paragraph with a space. The document will have a margin of 2.5 cm in its four borders. The notes and the feet of pictures will be presented at the end of the document, properly indexed in the text. It is recommended to process the text as austere as possible, avoiding the use of the double column, and different types of letters and sizes. The abstract will have a maximum of 250 words written in a separated sheet, in Spanish or English.
The abstract will contain the theme and sub-themes, title of the paper, the authors' names and contact data, specifying scientific and/or educational category, institutions that represent and their postal and electronic addresses.
Post event course
It will be on the thematic of the modern heritage, its challenges and perspectives
Date: May 25- 2013
Cubans: 30.00 CUP
Foreigners: 30.00 CUC
The abstracts submission deadline is January 31- 2013.
The acceptance of the topics will be before February 15 2013
The papers submission deadline is April 1- 2013.
The abstracts, as well as the papers, will be published in CD-ROM with ISBN. 
Registration quotas   

Foreign delegates: 250.00 CUC  

Accompanying persons and students: 100.00 CUC  
Cuban delegates: 250.00 CUP  
Cuban students: 100.00 CUP  

These inscription quotas include: participation in sessions of the event, documentation, CD and other materials, visits and planned journeys and welcome and closing activities as well as lunches and snacks.  


The abstracts and the papers should be sent by email to:  

or by postcard or DHL to:  
Orient University. Construction Faculty. Headquarters Julio Antonio Mella. The Americas
Avenue, L Street. s/n, Allotment Amplification of Terraces
C.P. 90400, Santiago of  Cuba, Cuba.

Telephone: (53-22) 642908»

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, reenviada por Paula Cristina Remoaldo)