sexta-feira, setembro 11, 2020

Creative Tourism and Regional Development: A few notes on the publication available in two scientific literature databases


Creative tourism enables development by valuing what is local, by promoting creative economy and by not reducing culture to the act of consuming products. This makes room for emancipation, new experiences and generating income through unconventional tourism itineraries. Still, one could be left to wonder about the kind of development concept addressed in the reviewed literature, and its correlation with creative tourism. We decided to follow Tranfield, Denyer and Smart (2003), in what regards the adoption of a framework for data collection, in order to capture scientific literature on the relationship between creative tourism and regional development. We made use of papers published in journals and other academic documents available at Google Scholar and databases. The research strategy used was the following: i) making an inventory of all data available and of the nature of the identified documents; ii) deciding on a strategy to approach the particular issue we intended to focus on; and iii) adopting a specific criteria for conducting an analysis of the documents found. We concluded that although there are a few papers which address the connection between development and creative tourism, none of them goes deeper into the subject.

Keywords: Creative Tourism; Local/Regional Development; Local Culture and Heritage; Tourism Strategies.

Carlos A. Máximo Pimenta 

Institute of Management and Production Engineering, Federal University of Itajubá, Brazil,

J. Cadima Ribeir

School of Economics and Management and NIPE, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal,

Paula Remoaldo 

Department of Geography and Lab2PT, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal,

[Resumo de comunicação apresentada por videoconferência no 27º Congresso da APDR (27th APDR Congress), genericamente subordinado ao tema ´Sustainable Development of the Sea for Sustainable Regional Development`, organizado pela Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional, que decorreu na Universidade dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo, Ilha Terceira, a 10 e 11 de setembro de 2020; 13 págs.]

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