segunda-feira, maio 09, 2022

29th APDR Congress | 29-30 June 2022, University of Madeira, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal: extended deadline for submission of abstracts (May 15, 2022)

"Dear Colleges

Extended deadline for submission of abstracts: May 15, 2022.


The APDR invite regional scientists, economists, economic geographers, urban planners, policy makers, and researchers of related disciplines to participate in the 29th APDR Congress with the theme "Islands and peripheral territories: challenges in a moving geography and changing "climate" patterns" that will be held from 29 to 30 of June, 2022, at University of Madeira (Colégio dos Jesuítas), Funchal, Madeira.


Islands economies (and peripheral areas in general) have been coping with a number of challenging issues, notably the overdependence on a few key sectors such as the tourism industry and an oversized and over subsidized public administration sector. To a certain extent, islands economies can be considered as a success story, because they succeed in defined the parameters of the overall image and political discourse being conveyed abroad by the local government and ONG at the international fora. However, the current trends in terms of climate change, natural disasters, and reduced mobility, change of the epicentre of the global economy from the North Hemisphere to the Pacific Basin and anti-globalization voices put the current narrative under pressure. A new paradigm is needed to provide a new understanding to the challenges faced by such regions. The overall aim of this conference is to bring ideas, theoretical approaches and examples of potential solutions.


Deadline for Abstracts submissions: May 15, 2022 (NEW DATE). Authors should submit their abstracts through online submission system by following the link


All information at the congress website:


Looking forward to meeting you in Funchal!


The Organizing Committee and the Board of APDR 29th APDR Congress".

(Reproduction of email received from the Congress Organization)

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