quinta-feira, maio 02, 2024

Sustainable Development of Territories in Contexts of Uncertainty: External Shocks and Risks


 The pursuit of development has increasingly prioritized sustainability. Sustainable approaches to development and adopting people’s well-being as a main goal have substantial implications for the competitiveness of territories. When viewed through a nature lens, sustainability maintains a close connection with circular economy. If sustainability is the paradigm the world needs to commit to, businesses, policy makers and people have to deal with the difficulties and uncertainties arising from those requirements and other severe phenomena, like international armed conflicts and pandemic crises. By using case studies, this book addresses territorial bottlenecks and grapples with social and developmental challenges. The book intends to function as a practical guide for policymakers and practitioners, providing them with the knowledge necessary to adopt and implement sustainable development strategies. It advocates the implementation of socially inclusive policies and the adoption of innovative governance models able to safeguard democratic principles while enhancing the efficacy of decision-making processes.

(Abstract of book to be published soon by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Edited by

José Cadima Ribeiro, Paula Remoaldo, Flávio Nunes, Hélder Tiago Lopes, and Laurentina Vareiro)


segunda-feira, abril 15, 2024

31º Congresso da APDR: comunicação submetida


Bibliometric analysis of the research on St. James Way performed for the period 1997-2023

Leida Costa, Paula Remoaldo, Hélder Lopes, José Cadima Ribeiro, Vítor Ribeiro e Rafaela Silva


The aim of this paper is to perform a bibliometric analysis of publications related to the St. James Way indexed in the Scopus database in the period 1997-2023. This is the first time that this kind of study is done concerning this period of 26 years. 139 studies and several variables were taken into consideration, such as, the type and year of publication, subjects approached, methods, techniques used, and country of publication. It was noted that the amount of the studies related to the St. James Way is reduced, and that the first study indexed in Scopus database dates back to 1997. The data collected in the Scopus database was analyzed using the VOsviewer tool. This tool allowed the generation of a set of thematic network maps using analysis of keyword occurrences, documents and countries with the highest number of publications, journals with the highest number of publications and most productive authors. It was found that there is a relationship between the keywords inserted in the database, that is, there are authors who, when approaching the Way, used three to four common keywords ("pilgrims", "tourism", "religion", and " St. James Way"). The subject of St. James Way attracts research from many scientific areas, such as Economy, Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Law and Environmental Sciences. Since 2011, the number of publications indexed in Scopus increased a lot, but it was since 2019 that the number increased in a more substantial way, along with the diffusion and interest in this religious and cultural route. Between 1997 and 2015, the studies had a more general nature, with descriptive stories about the Camino, and its evolution since the medieval age. Since 2016, the number of empirical studies has been increasing. This study can contribute to the evolution of research on religious tourism and pilgrimage, especially the one concerning the St. James Way routes.

Keywords: Bibliometric Study; Scopus Database; Camino de Santiago; St. James Way; VOSviewer.

sexta-feira, abril 12, 2024

quinta-feira, março 21, 2024

O Caminho Português de Santiago: excerto de texto a integrar em livro em processo de produção

"Em resposta a uma questão colocada no grupo do Facebook ´CAMINO PORTUGUÉS` em 2023/03/17 por alguém com origem nos Países Baixos que inquiria sobre qual das rotas do Caminho Português de Santiago seria mais bonita, um peregrino português respondia que ambas eram “fantásticas”, acrescentando que o Caminho Central atravessa várias vilas e cidades da parte norte de Portugal, mostrando paisagens e aldeias mais típicas. Adiantava, igualmente, que “Todos os Caminhos têm sua beleza e essência... uns são mais difíceis, outros mais curtos.... Mas tudo depende do olhar de quem vê e sente!!!! […]. Eu prefiro o Central!” (JMVA, 2023/03/17, CAMINO PORTUGUÉS).
Na mesma data, respondendo a outra pergunta, um peregrino espanhol referia que os gostos variam (há opiniões para todos os gostos), sendo que ele, que tinha realizando todos os Caminhos Portugueses, e, inclusive, repetido alguns, entre os quais um que tinha iniciado em Huelva, Espanha, entendia que, inquestionavelmente, o mais bonito era o central, até pela dimensão cultural mais intensa. Acabava recomendando a visita ao albergue do mosteiro de Vairão, na etapa de Porto a Vilarinho, 1,5 km antes de Vilarinho (PSS, Espanhol, 2023/03/17, CAMINO PORTUGUÉS).
São tomadas de posição que se encontram amiúde nos blogues dos grupos de Facebook dedicados ao Caminho Português, se bem que também haja outras recomendando o uso do Caminho da Costa a quem deseja ter um contacto continuando com o mar e, porventura, percorrer terenos menos acidentados."

J. Cadima Ribeiro
Paula Remoaldo