sexta-feira, outubro 11, 2024

Journal of Rural Studies: paper accepted

"Residents’ Perceptions of Tourism Development in the Context of a New Governance Framework for Portuguese Protected Areas: The Case of a Small Peripheral Natural Park" - title of the paper to be published online soon

segunda-feira, setembro 23, 2024

2º Encontro de Editores de Revistas Académicas em Ciências Sociais e Humanas

Aproximando-se a realização do 2º Encontro de Editores de Revistas Académicas em Ciências Sociais e Humanas (ERACSH), partilhamos hiperligação para o programa definitivo do mesmo, anexando cartaz e convite.

domingo, setembro 15, 2024

Peso das exportações de turismo no PIB em Portugal (9,5%, em 2023)


[O peso das exportações de turismo no PIB tem vindo a aumentar em Portugal, atingindo 9,5% em 2023, um valor próximo da média dos países da Europa do Sul/Mediterrânea, mas superior ao da maioria dos países europeus. Este peso reflete as vantagens comparativas da economia portuguesa neste sector. O bom desempenho das exportações tem beneficiado da perceção de segurança do país num contexto de conflitos geopolíticos e de melhoria da qualidade dos serviços prestados. Em 2024, Portugal ocupava a 12ª posição no ranking do índice de desenvolvimento de viagens e turismo do Fórum Económico Mundial, num conjunto de 199 países (BP, Setembro de 2024 -]

quinta-feira, setembro 12, 2024

sexta-feira, agosto 30, 2024

“Residents’ Perceptions of Tourism Development in the Context of a New Governance Framework for Portuguese Protected Areas: A Case Study”


Historically, Portuguese protected areas (PAs) have been operating under top-down governance, often neglecting local communities. In 2019, the Portuguese government established a new governance model for PAs, based on co-management. The new co-management approach emphasizes collaborative and participatory governance and positions sustainable tourism as a catalyst for territorial revitalization and local development. However, local communities’ attitudes and perceptions regarding tourism in these areas remain largely uncharted. This study focuses on the Alvão Natural Park (PNAL), a small rural and mountainous Portuguese PA, which is currently in the early stages of co-management implementation. Our goal was to investigate local residents' perceptions of tourism's impacts and identify potential divergence among resident groups and their level of support for tourism development. These insights are pivotal because the active engagement of local communities is a key element for sustainable tourism development and the successful implementation of co-management. The study employed a self-administered survey, garnering responses from 250 PNAL residents representing over half of the park's population. Factor analysis identified four primary perceptual dimensions and cluster analysis classified residents into three distinct groups based on their tourism perceptions. While most PNAL residents express support for tourism development, there is a resounding call for new policies to revert the legacy of top-down governance. This research provides essential insights for shaping effective tourism policies, planning and development strategies, and ensuring the active involvement of local communities in co-management and sustainable development efforts within the PNAL. Moreover, this study demonstrates the applicability of this research approach in the context of evolving governance models with the potential for adaptation to other PAs across Portugal and other countries undergoing similar governance transitions.

Keywords: protected area; local communities; co-management; sustainable tourism development; Portugal 

Luís Filipe Silva

José Cadima Ribeiro 

Francisco Carballo-Cruz

(Comunicação apresentada no 63rd ERSA Congress (2024), organizado pela European Regional Science Association, de 26 a 30 de agosto de 2024, na Ilha Terceira, Açores, Portugal)

segunda-feira, agosto 19, 2024

“Motivation-Based Visitor Segmentation in the Context of a New Governance Model for a Protected Area”



Understanding visitor motivations is crucial for developing sustainable tourism strategies in protected areas (PAs). However, the literature often overlooks the role of visitor motivation research in enhancing place-based collaborative governance within PAs. This study focuses on the Alvão Natural Park (PNAL), a mountainous Portuguese PA currently implementing a new co- management model. This represents a significant change, considering that the governance of the PA has shifted from a single state entity to a collaborative model that prioritises tourism as a key factor in local development. This study seeks to address the research gap regarding motivation-based segmentation studies in mountainous natural parks, while exploring the innovative aspects of conducting such a study within the framework of a new governance model. By surveying 351 PNAL visitors, factor analysis revealed four motivational dimensions with emphasis on connection with nature and relaxation. However, cluster analysis identified only one segment primarily motivated by connecting with nature, while the largest segment is motivated by convenience and social environment interactions. The results suggest the importance of involving the local community in governance and decision-making processes, and the need to prioritise ecotourism as a key focal point in PNAL’s tourism policies, strategic planning, and development. Our f indings contribute to theoretical knowledge and inform policy- making, providing valuable guidance for the successful implementation of co-management in PNAL and potentially other similar PAs.

Luís Filipe Silva,

José Cadima Ribeiro

Francisco Carballo-Cruz 

 NIPE and School of Economics and Management, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

[Resumo de artigo publicado "online" em 2024/08/18, Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events]