domingo, junho 23, 2024

"Business Operators’ Perception of the Impact of the Portuguese Way of St. James"


This research aims to analyse business operators’ perception of the impact of the Portuguese Way of St. James and to assess the landscape situation along a total section of 115 kilometres. Perceptions were collected in a survey of 112 small operators between 2020 and 2021. The diversity and singular components of the landscape make it a pleasant route to experience, where pilgrims have the possibility to improve wellbeing, and enjoy the landscape. Operators have profited from the significant increase in the number of pilgrims walking along the Way and claim that they aim to continue their operations.

Paula C. Remoaldo 

Eduardo Duque 

Vítor Ribeiro 

José Cadima Ribeiro 

Hélder Silva Lopes

Sandro Ferreira 

Cátia Faria 

(Resumo de texto publicado em International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, Vol. 12. N. 1, págs. 112-129, junho de 2024 -