quarta-feira, janeiro 30, 2013

"Call for Papers: Ersa Congress 2013"

«Call for Papers: 
ERSA Congress 2013 

Regional Integration: Europe, the Mediterranean and the World Economy
Palermo, Italy, 27-31 August 2013 

Dear ERSA Members,
Dear Colleagues,

We're excited to announce the launch of the CALL for abstracts / papers, to the ERSA Congress 2013 in Palermo.

The Local Organising Committee and the Italian Section of the European Regional Science Association is looking forward to welcoming you in Palermo. 



The abstracts/papers (for R-Sessions, Young Scientist Sessions, Special Sessions and O-Sessions) are due by 1st of March 2013.   

The Scientific Committee will review the abstracts and the papers all together at the same time.
For more details on the guidelines for the different types of Submissions, please click HERE »

(reprodução parcial de mensagem que entretanto me caiu na caixa de correio electrónica, proveniente da entidade identificada)

"3rd CFP Rural Tourism International Conference - Deadline Extension"

«We would like to draw your attention to the extension of the deadline for submitting papers to the International Conference on Rural Tourism - ORTE 2013:
“Re-inventing rural tourism and the rural tourism experience – Conserving, innovating and co-creating for sustainability”, to be held 5th-7th of September 2013 in Aveiro, Portugal.
You may submit short full papers (maximum 5000 words, including references) until March 1st.
Please consider new deadlines and new publication opportunities, as specified in the Call enclosed.
We hope to welcome you soon in Aveiro!

The Organising Committee

ORTE - International Conference on Rural Tourism 2013

University of Aveiro, PortugalE-mail: conference.orte@gmail.comTelph: +351 234 370 361, extension: 23621»

(reprodução do corpo principal de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

sexta-feira, janeiro 25, 2013

CALL FOR PAPERS | 19th APDR Congress - Joint initiative with Innovaflow Conference | 20-22 June 2013 | University of Minho, Braga

«19th APDR Congress
University of Minho, Braga (Portugal), 20-22 June 2013

It is our pleasure to announce the 19th APDR Congress, to be held at the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, from June 20th to June 22nd 2013. A joint initiative with the Innovaflow Conference.

Theme of the Congress:

Place-based policies aim at solving persistent under-use of resources and reduce enduring social exclusion in specific places. This is achieved through external interventions and multi-level governance devoted to promote the supply of integrated goods and services tailored to specific regional contexts and to stimulate institutional changes (Barca, 2009). How to design and assess these policies? How to integrate sustainable development strategies when most policies are sectoral and problematic places do not have adequate institutions? How to promote institutional capital at the local and regional levels? How to move beyond the established administrative boundaries toward functional places? How to learn from the failures of former regional policies that promoted regions in crisis? During the congress, participants and reputed specialists will try to answer some of these questions.

This year's congress will count on a group of Special Sessions organized by several members of the Scientific Committee of the Congress on specific themes of regional science. The papers presented in these Special Sessions result from invitations addressed by the organizers and are not therefore open to submissions.

Special Sessions
·         SS1 - Tourism and Regional Development 
José Cadima Ribeiro (U Minho) 
·         SS2 - Public Finances and Regional Development 
José Costa (U Porto) 
·         SS3 - The Regional Development Policies in Portugal in the Framework of Cohesion Policy 
Rui Nuno Baleiras (U Minho) 
·         SS4 - Models of Regional Analysis - Input-Output Applications 
Ana Lúcia Sargento (IP Leiria) 
·         SS5 - Governance and Regional Development 
Adriano Pimpão (U Algrave) 
·         SS6 - Major Events and Regional Development
Paula Cristina Remoaldo (U Minho) 
·         SS7 - Urban World in 2050 
Eduardo Anselmo Castro (U Aveiro) 
·         SS8 - Territorial Cohesion in the EU
Regina Salvador (U Nova) 
·         SS9 - Regional Innovation Systems and Regional Development 
Mário Rui Silva (U Porto)
·         SS10 - Air Transport and Regional Development 
Jorge Silva (U Beira Interior)
·         SS11 - Social Spaces: A New Literature of Regional Economy
Paulo Mourão (U Minho)
·         SS12 - The Financing of Transport Infrastructure and its Framework in Regional Development 
Rosário Macário (IST-UTL)
·         SS13 - Education, Labour Market and Regional Development 
João Carlos Cerejeira (U Minho)
·         SS14 - Markets of Housing and Urban Development 
João Marques (U Aveiro)
·         SS15 - Agricultural Policies: How to Integrate Sectoral and Territorial Objectives 
Lívia Madureira (UTAD)
·         SS16 - Located Food Systems: New Dynamics and Challenges 
Artur Cristovão (UTAD)
·         SS17 - Networks and Regional Development
Anabela Ribeiro (U Coimbra)
·         SS18 - Public Policies and Regional Development
Paulo Neto (U Évora)
·         SS19 - Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
Luísa Carvalho (IP Setúbal) & Pedro Dominguinhos (IP  Setúbal)
·         SS20 - Renaissance of Southern European Regions
Maria Conceição Rego (U Évora)

The call for papers is open and your participation is very welcome. 
Themes of specific interest are:
·         Bartolomeu Award
·         Urban and Regional Economics
·         Regional and Local Development Policies
·         Financing of Economic Growth
·         Spatial Dimensions of the Crisis of the State
·         Regional and Local Public Finance
·         Sectoral Policies and Regional Dynamics
·         Infrastructure and Regional Development
·         Labour Markets and Development
·         Tourism and Sustainable Development
·         Innovation and Territory
·         Rural Development and Agrarian Economy
·         Modelling in Regional Economy
·         Spatial Econometrics
·         Regional and Urban Planning
·         Economics of Environmental and Natural Resources
·         Innovation Networks in Portugal: Flow Intensity, Knowledge Spillovers and Firm Performances (Innovaflow Conference) 

Deadline for submissions: April 1st, 2013. Abstracts should be submitted electronically, using the platform available on the Conference website:

Notification of acceptance: until April 17th, 2013.

Looking forward to meeting you in Braga!

Francisco Carballo-Cruz
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
19th APDR Congress»

(reprodução do corpo principal de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

quinta-feira, janeiro 17, 2013

19th APDR Congress

19th APDR Congress 
Joint initiative with Innovaflow Conference 2010-2013 
20-22 June 2013 
University of Minho, Braga 

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 1, 2013 
Results of the review process will be communicated to authors by approximately: April 17, 2013

domingo, janeiro 13, 2013

"CALL FOR PAPERS | 17th Workshop APDR - Firm performance and growth: a regional, institutional and policy perspective"

«1st Call for Papers 

When confronted with rising concerns about economic growth, unemployment and job creation, the response at national level is often to promote the creation of new businesses and strengthen the operating conditions of its entrepreneurial fabric, so as to maintain competitiveness in global markets. 
No doubt, improving the economic basis of any region requires a business environment where firms can prosper. To strengthen and diversify the economy, policy makers and local leaders need to be aware of the characteristics and of the determinants of firm performance and growth, affecting in particular small and medium firms. Understanding the determinants of firm performance and growth and it contribution to overall economic growth is crucial in designing specific and appropriate stimulus policies. 
A set of regional and institutional characteristics concerning the socioeconomic structure and policy actions of a region can contribute to explaining the variations not only in business formation, but also in firm performance and growth. These include demand-side, supply-side and policy variables, which range from regional, institutional and policy aspects to the quality of the local labor market, business climate, firm internationalization and innovation capacity. 
 As such, in the present context of economic slowdown, the relevancy of approaching these topics becomes more pertinent than ever.

Firm performance and growth determinants 
 2. Short-run economic factors and the crisis 
 3. Internationalisation and competitiveness 
 4. Innovation and market structure 
 5. SME´s

 . Until February 20th 2013 - Submission of abstracts
 · March 1st 2013 - Notification of acceptance of abstracts 
 · Until April 1st 2013 - Submission of full paper
 · Until April 5th 2013 – Registration
 · April 19th 2013 - Workshop 

 We count on you. Send us your contribution!»

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

quinta-feira, janeiro 10, 2013

"CALL FOR PAPERS | 16th Workshop APDR - Higher Education Network: economic and social contributes and new challenges"

«1st Call for Papers

The evolution of the higher education system in Portugal, that took place in the 70s of the twentieth century, was one of the most important ‘revolutions’ experienced by the Portuguese society. From an elitist system, concentrated in a few locations, the system went through a democratization and dissemination process that led to the current existence of a higher education institution in almost all medium cities. As a consequence of this territorial expansion, and in addition to the traditional functions of knowledge transmission, scientific research and dissemination, the Portuguese system of higher education gained a new and relevant role in the promotion of local and regional development.
Higher education networks currently play a fundamental and consensual role in domestic strategies for social and economic development and are recognized as main engines of international competitiveness. In the relatively recent past, such recognition was accompanied by government support and a supply of financial funds needed to support the networks’ development. Nowadays, although official discourses did not change, governments’ financial support has suffered considerable cuts in many countries. The financial restrictions imposed to higher education institutions, which in many cases took place in a moment when demographic and curricular changes, plus the economic crisis, are having strong negative impacts in many countries, are challenging the survival of many institutions.
In such a difficult context, it is useful to discuss the many questions facing policy makers and institutions: How to (re)organize higher education networks? What are the functions of higher education institutions? How should these institutions be funded? What roles should be played by governments and markets in the academic world? Which are the social and economic consequences of the current political options? These and other relevant issues will be addressed in the workshop, organized within the framework of the following research project: PTDC/CPE-PEC/103727/2008:Rebuilding the Portuguese higher education system’s network: challengesfrom demographics, economic growth and regional cohesion.
All Papers will be available after the conference in the form of electronic proceedings’. The best works will be selected for publication in book.

1.     The impact of demographics in higher education networks
2.     Higher education and regional development
3.     Public policies and higher education networks
4.     Efficiency vs equity of higher education networks and institutions
5.     Financing higher education
6.     Higher education networks and the job market
7.     Role and potential of information technologies in higher education

§  Until February 15th 2013 - Submission of abstracts
§  March 1st 2013 - Notification of acceptance of abstracts
§  Until March 31st 2013 - Submission of full paper
§  Until March 31st 2013 - Registration
§  April 3rd 2013 - Workshop
We count on you. Send us your contribution!»

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)