quinta-feira, janeiro 29, 2015

Call for Papers | 22nd APDR workshop | 24 April 2014 | Ponte de Lima

«Call for Papers

The Portuguese Association for Regional Development started a new cycle of workshops aimed at bringing together scientists that consider family as an institution with several and important interactions with economic and social development. This theme seems to have been dismissed by regional development scientists, even though it appears the family dimension is clearly relevant in educational processes and in dynamic migration, in transport systems, in social security systems and welfare services provision, in corporate sustainability and entrepreneurship, and in many other dimensions that influence the development of people and places.
The 20th APDR workshop (April 2014) was dedicated to this theme - Family and Development – and it was a first step in the direction of a more intense and rich debate about family and regional development. It is well known by demographers and sociologists that families may be quite different across Europe and across different regions of a single country. Evidence from diverse transition to adulthood patterns (age and dynamics of leaving home, forming independent households, living alone, forming unions and/or marrying, having a first child) is quite expressive about this. These differences, as others concerning ownership and family structures, are the result of different historical conditions and paths of change, as well of different strategies contemporary families adopt in order to cope with economic and sociopolitical contexts and dynamics.
On the other hand, family bonds are quite important in some corporate branches and/or in some territories and regions. The informal networks and the complex articulation between family and business strategies and management have been studied for years, with particular relevance in southern economies, such as Portugal, Spain and Italy. It is relevant to deepen our knowledge about these long lasting articulations, about their benefits as well as their undesirable effects, and about the way family and economy evolve in different places.
 We are now willing to bring together, one more time, different scientific perspectives on the theme Family and Regional Development, with a particular attention being given to the Southern Europe. It is necessary to understand better family dynamics and diversity, how these affect social and economic processes at a regional scale, and to profound our knowledge about how family business imply the consideration of specific concepts and methodologies in order to provide a better understanding of this phenomenon, so important in our economies.


*Plenary session*
The Keynote Lecture will be delivered by David Sven Reher (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)

TOPICS 1. Family, education and development of people and places
2. Economies of scale and agglomeration of family models
3. Labour Market, Migration and Family
4. Spatial and temporal evolution of family businesses
5. Family, social security and welfare

Until March 1st, 2015- Submission of abstracts
Until April 15th 2013 - Submission of full paper
Until April 15th 2013 – Registration April 24th 2013 - Workshop»

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio eletrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

quarta-feira, janeiro 28, 2015

CALL FOR PAPERS | 21st APDR Congress joint with 55th ERSA Congress

«21st APDR Congress joint with 55th ERSA Congress

The CALL for Abstracts and Papers is now OPEN
We are happy to announce that the Call for abstracts and Papers is now open.
The ERSA Congress is an exceptional platform for all authors making research in the field of regional science, and whether you are senior or junior researcher:
See the profile of ERSA Participants 2014
Key benefits include:
- Numerous Networking Opportunities
- Precious Feedback from colleagues around the world
- Enriching your knowledge at different levels
Deadline to submit2 March 2015
Please note the review of abstracts (and) papers will be made all at the same time. The upload of the paper is not always required.
For more details on the call for submissions click here
Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the World's largest gathering of Regional Science researchers!
(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio eletrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

quarta-feira, janeiro 21, 2015

UGI Congress

«Dear Colleagues, 
We are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract to the 23rd Annual Colloquium – Sustainable Rural Systems: Smart Answers for a Smiling Future that will be held in Portugal from 27th July to 2nd August, 2015, and organized by four Portuguese Universities.
Official Website: http://igu-csrs.weebly.com/
Thematic Sessions
  • Landscape Heritage and Sustainable Tourism
  • Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change
  • Innovative and Smart Answers to Horizon 2020
  • Rural-Urban Interactions in a Changing Society
  • Social Challenges for a Smiling Future
Dates and deadlines
  • 25th February,  2015 – Deadline for submitting abstracts for poster and oral presentations
  • 30th  March, 2015 – Notification of the results of the abstract review
On behalf of the organising committee,
Paula Remoaldo (University of Minho)
Paula Cristina Remoaldo, PhD
Associate Professor with Habilitation 
Institute of Social Sciences
Department of Geography
University of Minho

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio eletrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

sábado, janeiro 03, 2015

"Plataforma de dinamização do Interior de Portugal"

«O meu nome é Miguel Gomes De Sousa e faço parte do Departamento de Novas iniciativas da Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Portuguesa.

A Câmara de Comércio é uma associação empresarial privada ao serviço das empresas portuguesas desde 1834, que promove em particular o desenvolvimento dos seus associados a nível nacional e internacional. Diariamente trabalhamos para apoiar as empresas associadas no seu crescimento, afirmando-nos como um parceiro privilegiado para a internacionalização da economia nacional e promotores da ligação entre as PME e as grandes empresas.

Nos últimos anos temos vindo a desenvolver uma plataforma de dinamização do Interior de Portugal de forma a reduzir as assimetrias com o Litoral do país. Começámos com o distrito de Évora, como distrito piloto estando agora também em Beja e Castelo Branco contando com o apoio dos respetivos núcleos empresariais de cada região (NERE- Évora, NERBE- Beja e AEBB- Beira Baixa).
O projeto divide-se, em duas partes. Uma que consiste no “Faz falta cá dentro” onde é dado à população dos distritos aderentes a possibilidade de identificar o que faz falta na sua região (Mercearias, multibanco, farmácias, cinemas, etc.). A outra parte consiste no “Emigre cá dentro” e é uma plataforma de emprego semelhante a tantas outras com o objetivo de identificar oportunidades de emprego na região.
Este projeto é completamente gratuito e tem como objetivo mapear essas necessidades para depois em conjunto com os parceiros locais, implementa-las de forma a dinamizar a economia local.

Dado que 2014 foi o ano em que o projeto foi efetivamente lançado, é importante a elevada participação das associações e população local no mapeamento das necessidades já em 2015. No site já estão identificadas 23 no distrito de Beja sendo possível inseri-las diretamente, mas de forma a facilitar o processo, criámos um questionário que consiste em 5 perguntas rápidas e que poderá ser preenchido as vezes que se quiserem. Podem preencher por conhecimento direto, ou em nome de algum familiar ou amigo que habite nestas regiões, ou por conhecimento que naquela região aquela necessidade existe.

O questionário poderá ser reencaminhado para o máximo número de pessoas para que possam preencher.

Conheçam melhor o projeto em www.ointeriorprecisadisto.com

Conheçam também a nossa página de Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/O-Interior-Precisa-Disto/300983193343956

Agradecemos a partilha no V/ blog ou página estando ao dispor para partilharmos o mesmo na nossa página de Facebook,

Estaremos ao dispor para qualquer esclarecimento adicional,

Bom Ano 2015

Melhores cumprimentos

Miguel Sousa 
Departamento de Novas iniciativas
Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Portuguesa»

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio eletrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)