segunda-feira, março 28, 2016

Call for Abstracts | 1st AMRS Congress and 23rd APDR Congress, May 30-31,2016, Marrakech, Morocc

«It is our pleasure to announce the 1st Moroccan Regional Science Association (AMRS) Congress and 23rd Portuguese Association for Regional Development (APDR) Congress, to be held at Marrakech, Morocco, from May 30 to 31, 2016.
Theme of the Conference: Sustainability of Territories in the Context of Global Changes
The Congress will work through plenary sessions, conferences and round tables and parallel sessions. Parallel sessions will include: i) abstracts submitted to Regular Sessions (RS), proposed by the organization; and ii) abstracts submitted to Special Sessions (SS), proposed by participants. Sessions can be either in English, French or Portuguese.
The call for abstracts is open and your participation is very welcome!
Special Sessions

SS01 - Regional Science in Africa
Organizers: Cássio Rolim and Tomaz Ponce Dentinho
SS02 - Asymmetries in metropolitan areas: measuring, correcting and rethinking
Organizer: Jorge Gonçalves
SS03 - Sustainable Tourism in the Age of Globalization
Organizers: Oliver Fritz and Martin Falk
SS04 - Entrepreneurship in sustainable and creative territories
Organizer: Luísa Carvalho
SS05 - Cultural Tourism and Regional Development
Organizers: Paula Remoaldo, Laurentina Vareiro and José Cadima Ribeiro, University of Minho
SS06 - Contributions of higher education institutions (HEIs) for territorial development: building bridges between the local and global
Organizer: Conceição Rego
SS07 -Sustainable Built Environments for a better Human Health
Organizers: Elisabete Freire and José Luís Crespo
SS08 - Participatory Planning and Sustainable Built Space
Organizers: José Luís Crespo and Elisabete Freire
SS09 - Adapting to global change at the coast
Organizers: Nadia Mhammdi and Abdellatif Khattabi
SS10 - Adapting to climate change through improved watershed management and payment for environmental services
Organizer: Abdellatif Khattabi

Themes of Regular Sessions:

1.        Agriculture, fisheries and food security
2.        Climate change mitigation and adaptation
3.        Climate risk management in the perspective of human security
4.        Economics of Environmental and Natural Resources
5.        Education, health, wealth, and human welfare
6.        Environmental services and their attractiveness to private sectors
7.        Financial System and Regional Development
8.        Green growth in energy, transport and infrastructures
9.        Green growth in natural resources
10.     Local Reactions to Global Changes
11.     Mediterranean Renaissance
12.     Migration and urban vitality
13.     Migration, Urbanization and Spatial Justice
14.     Natural resources, biodiversity, environment and sustainable development
15.     Opportunities and constraints for innovation in green enterprises
16.     Poverty, social policy in space and environment
17.     Regional Cooperation and Development
18.     Regional Development in Africa
19.     Rural Development and Agriculture Economics
20.     Spatial Dimensions of the Financial and Monetary Crises
21.     Territorial Multi functionality and, Sustainable Regional Development
22.     Theory, Methods, Data and Reality in Regional Science
23.     Bartolomeu Award*

Deadline for Abstracts submissions: April 10, 2016. Abstracts should be submitted electronically, using the platform available on the Conference website:
All information at the congress website:
Looking forward to meeting you in Marrakech!
Abdellatif Khattabi
Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
*The Bartholomew award is awarded to scientists aged less than 33 years (including co-authors) on the 15th of July each year, presenting a paper in a session of APDR Congress. The prize is awarded by a jury of appreciation by the Director of the Portuguese Journal of Regional Studies and two scientists appointed by him. The assessment criteria are: conceptual coherence, relevance to regional science and its impact on regional development

(reprodução de mensaghem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio eletrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

segunda-feira, março 21, 2016

Doutoramento em Geografia: 1ª fase do processo de candidatura

Venho por este meio informar que até 15 de Abril de 2016 estará aberta a primeira fase de candidaturas ao Doutoramento em Geografia pela Universidade do Minho. Até Setembro do mesmo ano, decorrerão a segunda fase e a terceira fases.
As aulas iniciar-se-ão em Outubro de 2016, de acordo com as normas vigentes, e decorrerão às sextas-feiras. O Doutoramento prevê aulas presenciais apenas no primeiro ano lectivo.
PARA MAIS INFORMAÇÕES podem consultar o link:

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na página do Facebook, proveniente de Paula Cristina Remoaldo)

sábado, março 19, 2016

"1st AMRS Congress and 23rd APDR Congress": apelo a propostas de comunicação para a sessão especial ´Tourism and Regional Development`

«Caros colegas

No âmbito do 1st AMRS Congress and 23rd APDR Congress, intitulado "Sustainability and Territories in the Context of Global Changes", que ocorrerá entre 30 e 31 de Maio em Marraqueche (Marrocos), venho por este meio informar, como coordenadora da Special Session "Tourism and Regional Development", que está aberto o call para a apresentação de resumos até 10 de Abril.
Para mais informação, por favor, consultar 

Saudações académicas.

Paula Remoaldo
(Professora Associada com Agregação do ICS)»

[reprodução de mensagem entretanto distribuída nas redes elkectrónicas da EEG/UMinho e ICS/UMinho]

sexta-feira, março 11, 2016

"Cultural mega-events and the enhancement of a city's image: differences between engaged participants and attendees"

"A city's image can serve as the basis upon which to develop a strong sense of community. This, in turn, fosters trust and cooperation which may attract tourists and investment, and drive regional economic growth. One strategy to enhance a city's image is to host cultural mega-events. This study focuses on Guimarães, one of the European Capitals of Culture of 2012, and adopts a marketing communication perspective to explore issues of city image. The objective of the study reported was to understand whether images of Guimarães improved after it hosted the cultural mega-event. To attain this goal, we compare the perceptions of residents who participated in the event (engaged participants) and attendees. Several significant findings are reported and their implications for event managers and public policy administrators are presented, along with the limitations of the study."

(reprodução de artigo entretanto publicado - 11 Mar 2016 - em acesso virtual em Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events


quinta-feira, março 10, 2016


"Within the major role that the tourism industry is taking in sustaining and enhancing growth in economies all around the world, the cultural segment deserves a particular look as in most cases, it is playing a leading role. This has to do with the idea of tourists’ visits as a memorable happening and an authentic experience and relates to the psychological dimension of tourist demand. This study investigated the motivation behind the choice of a cultural/heritage destination, and particularly a World Heritage Site (WHS). Taking the case of Guimarães, the study inquired on the tourists’ motivations and perceived attributes of the city to conclude on the level of satisfaction tourists get from their visits and the destination attributes. The methodology used in this research was of a quantitative nature, based on a self-administered survey applied to 325 tourists who visited Guimarães during 2015. In that analytical approach, tourists were organized according to their main visit motivation, i.e., if they were mainly motivated by visiting a World Heritage Site or by other reasons. An interesting result was that despite WHS visitors reporting higher satisfaction levels, the other type of visitors want to return in greater numbers. The study concluded that the destination is performing well but is suffering from not having a consolidated image in the market. Looking at these and other results obtained, several recommendations were made to increase tourists’ satisfaction vis-à-vis the destination by mainly addressing the strategy to be used in advertising the set of products and services it can provide to visitors."

Laurentina VAREIRO

(Resumo de comunicação a apresentar em TURHIST - II Conferência Internacional de Turismo & História, a decorrer na na Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo da Universidade do Algarve (Faro/Portugal) e na Universidade de Caxias do Sul (Caxias do Sul/Brasil), a 10 e 11 de março de 2016)

quarta-feira, março 09, 2016

Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais: manifestação de disponibilidade para ´patrocinar`conferências científicas

Para esta via se informa que a Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais (RPER) está disponível para se associar à organização de conferências científicas disponibilizando-se para publicar algumas comunicações que possam ser apresentadas, salvaguardado que tenham num foco territorial ou se enquadrem no âmbito científico da Ciência Regional. 
Naturalmente, a revista reserva-se o direito de aceitar os textos ou não, dentro do processo seletivo de avaliação por pares que mantém. 
No limite, a RPER pode mesmo publicar números especiais, salvaguardado que seja reunido um número suficiente de textos com a necessária qualidade e que sejam cobertos pelos promotores da conferência os custos decorrentes da produção desses números especiais.
Neste ´patrocínio`, dá-se preferência a iniciativas científicas de âmbito internacional.

J. Cadima Ribeiro
(Editor da Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais)