PASOS - Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural: Volumen 17, Número 4. Julio-Septiembre 2019
PASOS - Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural: 17(4) 2019
Espaço de divulgação e debate de ideias relativas ao planeamento do território, à economia do turismo e ao desenvolvimento regional.
quinta-feira, agosto 29, 2019
quarta-feira, agosto 07, 2019
"Estudo da UMinho refere-se à evolução de hóspedes num período de 15 anos, entre 2003 e 2017"
Caminho de Santiago do Noroeste e Rota do Vinho Verde aumentam hóspedes no Norte
domingo, agosto 04, 2019
Residents’ perceptions of the tourism impacts on a mature destination: the case of Madeira Island
Residents have a fundamental role in the
quality of tourists’ experiences and satisfaction gotten from a visit and,
thus, in the success of a tourism destination. This paper addresses the
perceptions that residents have of the impacts of tourism on Madeira Island, a
mature tourism destination. Based on data extracted from a survey applied to
residents during August and September 2018, we have inquired on the extent to
which they keep a positive perception of the impacts of the tourist industry. The
survey tried to address the residents’ perceptions on, either, economic, cultural,
social or environmental impacts. In the analysis of data, both descriptive and
multivariable statistical methods were used. The empirical results attained
indicate that the residents feel that there is no excess of tourism on the
Island, which means that they agree that tourism is beneficial. They do not
fail to realize that there are a few negative consequences, but the positive ones,
in average, got better scores. Being an inhabitant of an urban or a rural site
did not show to influence differently the perceptions kept on the contribution
of tourism to the overall development of Madeira Island. This type of analysis
can be a useful tool for tourism planners and managers in order to prevent or
minimize eventual negative impacts of the tourism industry, as felt by the
local inhabitants, and, thus, for designing the required policies.
Keywords: Residents’ perceptions; Tourism impacts; Madeira
Diogo José Sousa Teixeira
J. Cadima Ribeiro
(Resumo de comunicação submetida a International
Congress "Tourism in Islands in the XXI Century: Dynamics and
Challenges", Tenerife, Espanha, a decorrer entre 25 e 27 de Novembro de 2019 -
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