«Call for
Workshop on
“Cities regeneration
processes: the role of entrepreneurs, residents and tourists”
Sept. 19 & 20, 2013
University of Le Havre
for submitting papers to the international workshop : June 30, 2013
metropolitan cities have been going through a process of regeneration to make
themselves attractive destinations for increasingly mobile businesses to
locate. The regeneration process has also focused on attracting new residents,
tourists, conferences and events. The implication is that by attracting income
either from business relocation or resident/visitor expenditure this will
create additional expenditure leading to increased economic growth within the
metropolitan area.
there have been many differing approaches to achieve these goals a commonality
appears to be that they have been ‘managed’ by a network of private and public
institutions. Recent literature has described this phenomenon as
‘Entrepreneurial Urban Growth.’ Two recent examples of metropolitan cities
which have embarked on this journey are Le Havre in France and Glasgow in
Scotland. This two day conference/workshop co-organized by Glasgow Caledonian
University (GCU) and Le Havre University and sponsored by the Regional Studies
Association, will explore the issues raised by these types of regeneration
processes. Among them are the development and implementation of regeneration
strategies ranging from cluster-oriented to cultural-oriented, the role of
geographical and institutional proximities in enterprise development,
partnerships between public and private for attracting entrepreneurial activity
in the reconversion of former industrial areas in city centers, the finance and
governance of regeneration processes in times of recession time, and so on. The
workshop will therefore be of interest to researchers and policy makers alike,
particularly in the fields of:
geography, Enterprise development, Territorial governance, Networks, Local
Public Finance, Tourism, Events Management, …
encourage economists, geographers, planners, business scholar researchers as
well as policy and entrepreneurial experts to submit their research and attend
the workshops. English will be the working language.
submit to Pascal RICORDEL (pascal.ricordel@univ-lehavre.fr) a short abstract (200 words) plus either a copy of the final paper or 2-page
detailed summary before June 30, 2013.
Organizing Committee: Jean-Marie
BASSOUAMINA (EDEHN, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation), Etienne FARVAQUE
(EDHEN, Le Havre University), Arnaud LEMARCHAND (EDEHN, Le Havre University),
Pascal RICORDEL (EDEHN, Le Havre University), Geoff WHITTAM (Glasgow Caledonian
Contact: Pascal RICORDEL (pascal.ricordel@univ-lehavre.fr)
Scientific Committee: Andy
CUMBERS (Glasgow University), Mike DANSON (Heriot-Watt University), Etienne
FARVAQUE (EDHEN, Le Havre University), Hugues JENNEQUIN (CREAM, Rouen
University), Arnaud LEMARCHAND (EDEHN, Le Havre University), Jean-Jacques NOWAK
(Lille University), Pascal RICORDEL (Le Havre University), Geoff WHITTAM
(Glasgow Caledonian University),
Important informations:
When: Sept
19, 3013 – Sept 20, 2013
Where: University
of Le Havre (France)
New Submission Deadline: (June 30, 3013)
Notification Due: 12
Jul, 2013
Final version due: Sept
1, 2013
No registration fee, diners and lunches will be
included from Wednesday evening to Friday afternoon»
(reprodução de anexo de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, reenviada por Paulo Reis Mourão)
(reprodução de anexo de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, reenviada por Paulo Reis Mourão)
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