domingo, outubro 07, 2007

“Human Capital Quality and Economic Growth”

“The estimation of the relationship between education and economic growth is marked by contradictions. These contradictions underline the lack of precision characterizing indicators of human capital. This paper constructs new indicators based on a pool of international surveys concerning pupil assessment. Thus, our new database, which includes 105 countries, makes it possible to confirm or not the positive relationship between education and growth. Taking into account the endogeneity of education, we measure a positive effect of qualitative indicators of human capital and the growth of countries between 1960 and 2000. The contribution of education to growth therefore appears significant, both from a quantitative and a qualitative point of view.

Nadir Altinok (IREDU - Institut de recherche sur l'éducation : Sociologie et Economie de l'Education - [CNRS : UMR5225] - [Université de Bourgogne])
Date: 2007-09-17
Keywords: Education quality ; Human capital ; Growth ; Development

(resumo de “paper”, disponível no sítio referenciado)

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