sábado, outubro 27, 2007

"Portuguese olive oil and the price of regional products: does designation of origin really matters?"

"Resources (tangible and intangible) can be mobilised to increase region’s reputation and confer a competitive advantage to certain products. The returns of a region’s resources depend upon the ability of local firms to appropriate the rents earned and whether the consumers value the characteristics that are associated with the product, being disposed to pay a price premium.
The results we got through the estimation of a hedonic price function, which relates the price of Portuguese regional olive oil to its various attributes, provided empirical support to this idea.
The study shows that designation of origin, producer’s brand and olive oil characteristics (biological and mixed with herbs) have strong impact on price."
J. Cadima Ribeiro
J. Freitas Santos
(resumo de comunicação apresentada no Congreso de la Associación Española de Ciencia Regional – XXX Reunión de Estudios Regionales, que decorreu em Barcelona, Espanha, a 18 e 19 de Novembro de 2004; uma versão em português deste texto encontra-se publicada em: “Produtos do território e desenvolvimento local”, Ensaios de Homenagem a António Simões Lopes, António Romão, José Pedro Pontes, Manuel Brandão Alves e Nuno Valério (Org.), Edição do ISEG/UTL, Lisboa, 2006, págs. 165-183 )

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