segunda-feira, dezembro 31, 2012

GOT - nº2

«Está disponível em o nº 2 da Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, revista de acesso livre editada pelo CEGOT (Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território).
Espera-se que todos no CEGOT e os demais leitores, considerem que os textos editados são interessantes e uteis.
Em nome do CEGOT, aproveito a altura para desejar a todos boas entradas, num 2013 que se espera traga muita paz e tranquilidade, toda a saúde, algumas alegrias e muitos momentos de boa disposição, além de muita esperança para 2014.
José Alberto Rio Fernandes»

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

sexta-feira, dezembro 28, 2012

"2nd CFP International Conference on Rural Tourism"

«The University of Aveiro is proud to announce the International Conference on Rural Tourism:
“Re-inventing rural tourism and the rural tourism experience – Conserving, innovating and co-creating for sustainability”
Dates: 5th-7th September 2013
Location: University of Aveiro, Portugal
Submission Deadline: February 15, 2013 - Full paper (max. 5,000 words) and poster abstracts (max. 5,000 characters)

Rural tourism has attracted increasing interest from academics, politicians and practioners alike. However contested its definition, the countryside’s popularity amongst urban populations, and the socio-economic and environmental challenges faced by both rural areas and by rural tourism, are strong themes worldwide. Those challenges include the decline and change of traditionally dominant agricultural and productive functions, the potential development of the countryside as a place of hedonic consumption, all coupled with numerous management issues. The list of issues is enormous: tensions and interactions between global and local, rural and urban; man versus nature; anthropocentric versus eco-centric; production and consumption; past, present and future; conservation and progress; nostalgia, imaginary and real; the desires and expectations of a growing series of diverse stakeholders with distinct interests in the “rural space”.

This conference, prepared as part of a 3-years research project on the “Overall Rural Tourism Experience” (ORTE) in three Portuguese villages, offers an in depth discussion of the “rural tourism experience”, its manifestations, meanings, impacts and evolution. It intends to significantly contribute to current reflections on the potential and limitations of rural tourism as a development tool as well as to the identification of ways to maximize this potential in certain circumstances, through a more profound understanding of the dynamics of the “overall rural tourism experience”.

Seven main themes are suggested for guiding discussions on the rural tourism experience:
1. Understanding the rural tourist: their motivations, perceptions, sensations, experiences, memories and imagination
2. Understanding rural residents’ experience with tourists
3. Experience design with endogenous resources (focusing on “countryside capital”) 
4. Entrepreneurship and innovation for quality rural tourism experiences
5. Marketing the rural tourism experience: co-creation, experience design and promotion
6. Networks and Strategic Partnership for enhancing the Overall Rural Tourism Experience
7. Enhancing sustainable development through rural tourism experiences

Publication opportunities: Selected papers will be invited for submission to a special issue of the Journal of Sustainable Tourism (indexed in ISI and SCOPUS) and of the Journal of Tourism and Development (indexed to Latindex, Dialnet, EBSCO, CAB International). Additional papers and the journal papers may also become chapters in a major book on rural tourism to be published by Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis group. All accepted final papers will be included in the conference proceedings, to be published professionally in electronic form and online, and will have an ISBN.

Keith Halfacree (Swansea University)
Elisabeth Kastenholz (University of Aveiro)
Bernard Lane (Journal of Sustainable Tourism )
Nancy McGehee (Virginia Tech)
Gunjan Saxena (University of Hull)
Richard Sharpley (University of Central Lancashire)
Hio Jung Shin  (Korea Association of Rural Tourism and Kangwon University , Korea)

Enclosed, please, find more details, or visit

Also, feel free to forward the call for papers to your colleagues.

We are looking forward to your submissions and to welcome you in September 2013 in Aveiro!

Elisabeth Kastenholz,
Local Organising Committee
ORTE - International Conference on Rural Tourism 2013»

(reprodução do corpo principal de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

sexta-feira, dezembro 21, 2012

Boas Festas!

(Braga, Portugal)

[Foto de autor anónimo]

53rd ERSA Congress, in Palermo

«Dear Members,
Dear Colleagues,

After a successful Bratislava Congress, we are now in preparation for the 53rd ERSA Congress in Palermo.

The call 4 papers will open at the end of January. We are gathering information for the call, further information is

We are preparing as well the format for the Summer School in Karlskrona, Sweden. 
For 2013, we have several ERSA workshops planned, to enhance the image of our Sections and the ERSA office!

Seasonal Greetings and A Happy New Year to you all!

Professor Charlie Karlsson
President of ERSA»

(reprodução parcial de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada) 


«Dear colleague:
The Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) is pleased to announce its V Workshop on Fiscal Federalism which will be held in Barcelona on the 13-14 of June, 2013. The workshop is entitled 'The political economy of decentralization'. For further information, see attached file or visit   
Feel free to distribute this information among those colleagues you think might be interested.
We look forward to seeing you at the Workshop! 

Organizing Committee

PS: excuse us for "cross-posting".
Universitat de Barcelona
Fac. d'Economia i Empresa
Espai de Recerca en Economia
Carrer del Tinent Coronel Valenzuela, 1-11
08034 Barcelona
Tel.: + 34 93 403 46 46
Fax: + 34 93 403 98 32

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico)

quarta-feira, dezembro 19, 2012

"Novo número Chão Urbano já está disponível!"

«Estamos lançando o número 6 de Chão Urbano Ano XII Novembro/Dezembro de 2012. Nesta edição temos dois artigos que apresentam parte dos resultados da pesquisa em desenvolvimento no Laboratório Redes Urbanas do IPPUR-UFRJ, com apoio do CNPq, e que trata da análise da efetividade social das intervenções urbanísticas em áreas de renda baixa em cidades brasileiras. Os artigos abordam a temática a partir da questão do lixo e da implantação de redes de água e esgoto em favelas cariocas, refletindo sobre seu impacto no cotidiano dos moradores e nas suas moradias - disponível no site:

Boa leitura!!!

Caso se interesse em submeter mais algum artigo para nossa revista, envie-o para o para análise do comitê editorial.

Equipe de edição da Revista Chão Urbano»

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

segunda-feira, dezembro 17, 2012

Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais na ´Scopus`

«(English below)
Caros amigos do Conselho Editorial da Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais (RPER)
É com o maior prazer que vos venho informar que a RPER acaba de ser aceite para indexação na Scopus (por favor vejam mensagem em baixo). Este é mais um importante passo na vida deste projeto, dada que significa o reforço do nosso reconhecimento internacional, apesar de continuarmos a ser também, com orgulho, uma revista portuguesa. O que vos quero pedir neste momento é que divulguem esta boa notícia nas vossas escolas e grupos de investigação, de modo a que nos cheguem cada vez mais muitos e bons artigos. Continuaremos a definir o estudo da realidade regional portuguesa como o nosso primeiro escopo, mas aceitaremos outros contributos de qualidade em qualquer área da ciência regional.
Saudações cordiais
Pedro Nogueira Ramos
(Diretor da RPER)

Dear friends of the Editorial Board of Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais (RPER)
It is an enormous pleasure to inform you that RPER has been accepted for indexation in Scopus (please, see the message below). This is an important step in RPER’s life because it means the strengthening of our international acknowledge, although we are proud to claim that we are as well a Portuguese journal. Please, spread this good new as widely as possible, among your collaborators and research team. Although the RPER main scope is the Portuguese regional reality, we are keen to publish other contributions whenever they are important to international regional science.
Kind regards
Pedro Nogueira Ramos
(Director of RPER)

From: Scopus Title Evaluation Team [

Sent: sexta-feira, 14 de Dezembro de 2012 16:40
Subject: The review of your title for Scopus is complete

Title: Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais 

ISSN / E-ISSN: 1645-586X / 
Publisher: Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional (APDR) / Instituto Nacional de Estatistica 

Dear Pedro N. Ramos, 

The title mentioned above has been evaluated for inclusion in Scopus by the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB). The review of this title is now complete and the CSAB has advised that the title will be accepted for inclusion in Scopus. For your information, the reviewer comments are copied below: 

This is a solid journal with a citation history that demonstrates some impact outside the Iberian region. A definite candidate for inclusion in Scopus. Congratulations! 

If necessary, our Source Collection Management department will contact the publisher in order to set up the content feed for Scopus. The title will be loaded in Scopus as soon as we have access to the title and the content has been processed for indexing. At this moment, there is no further action required from your end. 

Yours sincerely, 

Scopus Title Evaluation Support 

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

sexta-feira, dezembro 14, 2012

"Reminder Call for Papers - 9th EURS Conference"

«Please find attached information on the 9th European Urban and Regional Studies conference which will take place at The University of Sussex, 10-12 July 2013.

Kathy Wood
Editorial Manager
Department of Geography
University of Durham
Durham, DH1 3LE, UK

Tel: +44 (0) 191 334 1926
Fax:+44 (0) 191 334 3505


(reprodução do corpo principal de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, reencaminhada por Paulo Reis Mourão)

quinta-feira, dezembro 06, 2012

(Re)Conhecer Leiria

(reprodução de folheto/convite que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico)

quarta-feira, novembro 28, 2012

"Novo número Chão Urbano já está disponível!"

«Boa tarde!

Como quinto número do ano XII, Chão Urbano Setembro/ Outubro traz o artigo: "Uma Análise do Projeto Rio-Cidade e as Transformações no Bairro da Pavuna Pós-Metrô" disponível no site:

Boa leitura!!!

Caso se interesse em submeter mais algum artigo para nossa revista, envie-o para o para análise do comitê editorial.

Equipe de edição da Revista Chão Urbano»

(reprodução integral de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

sexta-feira, novembro 23, 2012

Mesa Redonda sobre Crise e Desenvolvimento Regional, dia 18 de Dezembro de 2012

«Mesa Redonda sobre Crise e Desenvolvimento Regional

Moderador: Prof. Doutor José da Silva Costa, Universidade do Porto

            Prof. Doutor José Pedro Pontes, Prof. Associado do Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão
            Dimensões espaciais da crise
            Mestre Duarte Rodrigues, Coordenador-adjunto do Observatório do QREN
            Indicadores espaciais da crise
            Prof. Doutor Rui Nuno Baleiras, Prof. Associado da Universidade do Minho
            Crise e finanças regionais e locais          
            Prof. Doutor António Simões Lopes, Prof. Jubilado do Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (a confirmar)
            Repercussões espaciais das crises em Portugal

Dia: 18-12-2012
Hora: 16h00
Local: Auditório BES (4.º Piso) do ISEG (Rua do Quelhas 6)
Entrada Livre
Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional
Universidade dos Açores | Rua Capitão João D'Ávila | 9700-042 - Angra do Heroísmo
Tel/Fax: (+351) 295 332 001 | | E-mail:;
Contribuinte n.º PT 501 644 180 | Associação privada sem fins lucrativos
(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

sábado, novembro 17, 2012

"AAWE Wine Economics, Call for Papers, Conference in Stellenbosch"


Dear wine friends,
7th Annual Conference from June 26-29, 2013, in Stellenbosch, South Africa.
The meetings will be hosted by the University of Stellenbosch and the Western Cape Province. 

Please submit a 1000-word abstract by March 1, 2013.
Details will be posted on our new website at

Please also check out the Journal of Wine Economics and our free access AAWE Working Papers.
In order to receive the Journal of Wine Economics (hard copy and online access) join AAWE for $49 per year. 
You can sign up or renew your membership at

Follow us on Facebook     

Best wishes,

Karl Storchmann»

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

sábado, novembro 10, 2012

DRd - Desenvolvimento Regional em debate publica nova edição

«Caros leitores,

A revista DRd - Desenvolvimento Regional em debate acaba de publicar seu último número, disponível em
Convidamos a navegar no sumário da revista para acessar os artigos e outros itens de seu interesse.

Agradecemos seu interesse e apoio contínuo em nosso trabalho.

Gostaríamos que retornassem com suas impressões à respeito da Edição, fazendo destaques ou sugerindo melhoras, para que continuemos sempre aperfeiçoando nossas futuras publicações. Da mesma forma, convidamos a todos a submeterem artigos para a próxima edição, até final de fevereiro de 2013.

Valdir Roque Dallabrida - Editor-chefe da Revista DRd
Universidade do Contestado
Fone 47-91541468
Fax 47-36226696
Professor e pesquisador com atuação no Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Regional da UnC.

DRd - Desenvolvimento Regional em debate
v. 2, n. 2 (2012)

Editorial (1-5)
        Valdir Roque Dallabrida,        Armindo José Longhi

Ética territorial e política econômica: discussão de suas relações fundamentais à luz das políticas de desenvolvimento territorial (6-30)
        Luis Mauricio Cuervo G.
Desafios à institucionalização das indicações geográficas no Brasil (31-44)
        Fernanda Novo da Silva, Flávio Sacco dos Anjos, Nádia Velleda
Caldas, Germano Ehlert Pollnow
Desarrollo socioeconómico endógeno-local y  enoturismo: el Marco de Jerez-Sherry (España). (45-62)
        Áurea Vieira Rodríguez, Tomas Lopez-Guzman Guzman,      Juan Rodriguez
¿Cómo aumentar stocks se capital humano calificado a nivel local?: políticas públicas comparadas (63-89)
        Felipe Andrés Saravia Cortés
Descentralização como possibilidade republicana: aportes na filosofia política moderna para uma constatação empírica no caso catarinense (90-110)
        Walter Marcos Knaesel Birkner
O Estado, a multidão e os conflitos urbanos (111-123)
        Rafael de Oliveira Alves
Em torno do contributo das instituições de ensino superior para a
dinâmica regional de crescimento económico (124-138)
        Maria Conceição Rego
As diferentes possibilidades de regionalização de um território: delimitações a partir da categoria saúde (139-160)
        Giana Diesel Sebastiany
Industrialização e desenvolvimento regional: política do CODIVAP no Vale do Paraíba na década de 1970 (161-181)
        Edson Trajano Vieira,   Moacir José Santos
Entre serras e sertões nasce uma região metropolitana: o Crajubar-Ceará sob o ponto de vista de suas centralidades (182 204)
        Ana Paula Campos Gurgel
Moda ecologicamente correta e meio ambiente: um estudo com lojistas de diferentes segmentos de mercado (205-216)
        Andréia Mesacasa,       Arlete Venturin,        Edival Sebastião Teixeira
DRd - Desenvolvimento Regional em debate

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

quinta-feira, novembro 08, 2012

"Conference Intra-urban dynamics and health"

«We are pleased to announce the international conference entitled “Intra-urban dynamics and health: concepts, methods and applications”. The aim of this conference is to promote links between researchers, civil society and decision-makers in the field of public health.
This international conference is initiated as part of the new interdisciplinary initiative of the International Council for Science "Health and wellbeing in the changing urban environment : a system analysis approach" and by the laboratory of Health Geography from Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense University and the French National Network of local Decision makers for Public Health "Elus, Sante Publique & Territoires"
This council is supported by 9 organization invested in Urban Health and 22 Universities all over the world.
Thanks in advance to forward this information to your networks
Read the full text of the first announcement, and prepare your abstract:

For members of the organizing committee
Pr Gerard Salem, Université Paris Ouest, IRD-CEPED, ICSU
Dr Audrey Bochaton, Université Paris Ouest

Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer de l’organisation d’un colloque international sur le thème «Dynamiques urbaines et enjeux sanitaires : concepts, méthodes et interventions » dont l'objectif est de promouvoir le rapprochement entre chercheurs de sciences sociales et de sciences de la santé, élus locaux et acteurs des collectivités locales intervenant dans les champs de la santé.
Initié par le nouveau programme du Conseil International pour la science sur « Santé et bien-être face à l’évolution des environnements urbains », le Laboratoire Espace, Santé et Territoires de l'Université Paris Ouest et de l'association nationale « Elus, Santé Publique & Territoires»
Il est soutenu par 9 organismes nationaux et internationaux investis dans le champ de la santé dans les villes, et 22 universités de part le monde. Il est financé par le Conseil Régional d'Ile de France, la Ville de Paris et l'INPES
Merci d'avance de bien vouloir relayer cette information auprès de vos réseaux professionels
Pour en savoir plus et soumettre un résumé: 
Bien cordialement

Pour le comité d'organisation
Pr Gerard Salem, Université Paris Ouest, IRD-CEPED, ICSU
Dr Audrey Bochaton, Université Paris Ouest»

(recepção de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, reenviada por Paula Cristina Remoaldo)

segunda-feira, novembro 05, 2012

IGU: "Regional Conference Kyoto"

«Dear newsletter readers,

the Local Organising Committee of the IGC 2012 would like to inform you that the IGU Kyoto Regional Conference will be held on August, 4th to 9th, 2013, in Kyoto, Japan.

Please find the invitation below.

Kind regards,
The Local Organising Committe of the IGC 2012

Dear Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to announce the IGU Kyoto Regional Conference through the email address of the Local Organizing Committee, IGC Cologne. We are grateful to the committee for its kindness in giving us this opportunity.

We would like to remind you that the Kyoto Regional Conference will be held August, 4th to 9th, 2013, in Kyoto, Japan. The Organizing Committee of the conference has already started to receive various applications, including abstract submissions, registrations, and reservations for exhibition booths, field trips, accommodations and social programs.

For more detailed information, please visit the conference's official website:

We are looking forward to seeing you in Kyoto next summer.

Kind regards,

Yoshitaka Ishikawa
Keiji Yano
Organizing Committee, IGU Kyoto Regional Conference»

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

"O tráfego nas pontes 25 de Abril e Vasco da Gama está em queda consecutiva desde 2009"

Notícia jornal
Crise tirou 280 milhões de carros às pontes sobre o Tejo:

sábado, novembro 03, 2012

domingo, outubro 28, 2012

CEC2012: expectativas mantidas pelos residentes em relação ao evento, antes deste arrancar

«Numa altura em que ainda não havia programação conhecida do público, havia quem preferisse esperar mais algum tempo até o evento começar para formar uma opinião a esse respeito. A narrativa do nosso entrevistado mostra-nos a sua posição:
“Não tenho expectativas. Prognósticos só no final do jogo (…). Do que nós vamos fazer, acreditamos que vamos fazer o melhor (…)” (Director de Maus Hábitos).
Numa outra linha de pensamento, as expectativas também se revelavam pouco optimistas. O efeito mais imediatista do evento era realçado mas, a longo prazo, era assumido constituir uma incógnita. A narrativa que se segue dá-nos conta disso:
“Eu vejo estes eventos um bocadinho como uma ´bola de neve`, isto é, (…) basta as coisas começarem a acontecer que as coisas vão-se desenvolvendo naturalmente, e vão, se calhar, aparecendo outros produtos (…). Portanto, as expectativas (…) não são muito positivas (…) Mas, penso que não vão ser tão más quanto isso porque desde que se faça um bocado de festa (…) as coisas cumprem o seu objectivo imediato. Se cumprem os objectivos futuros isso depois já é outra questão” (Membro da Conferência Permanente de Cidadãos).
Cruzando as diversas opiniões, as declarações recolhidas dão-nos conta de preocupação com o que irá acontecer após a CEC, ou seja, quando o financiamento público começar a baixar ou cessar, e sobre quem irá financiar e manter as infra-estruturas que ficarão do evento. A narrativa que se segue expressa estas preocupações:
“Tenho fracas expectativas. Oxalá me engane. Eu acho que o ano de 2012 vai ser inundado de eventos (…). Mas quando a torneira da CEC fechar, Guimarães vai ficar na mesma e provavelmente pior porque ainda não falamos das infra-estruturas mas vamos falar (…) as instituições vão ter que viver com os seus próprios recursos (…)” (Presidente da Associação de Socorros Mútuos Artística Vimaranense).»

Mécia Mota
Paula Cristina Remoaldo
J. Cadima Ribeiro

(excerto de comunicação, intitulada AS PERCEPÇÕES DAS ASSOCIAÇÕES LOCAIS DO MEGA-EVENTO ´GUIMARÃES CAPITAL EUROPEIA DA CULTURA 2012`, apresentada na 6ª feira pp., em Santiago de Compostela, no XIII Colóquio Ibérico de Geografia

segunda-feira, outubro 22, 2012

NECTAR 2013 International Conference on “Dynamics of Global and Local Networks”

«Dear colleague,

The NECTAR Cluster Accessibility is organising sessions at the NECTAR 2013 International Conference in Azores Islands (Portugal), 16‐18 June 2013

Please find attached a call for papers [http://www.nectar‐]. The deadline for abstract submission is November 30.

Feel free to forward the call.

On behalf of the Nectar Cluster 6 Coordination Team,

Karst Geurs

Dr. ing. Karst T. Geurs
Universiteit Twente, Vakgroep Verkeer, Vervoer en Ruimte, Postbus 217, 7500AE Enschede
Centre for Transport Studies, University of Twente , P.O. Box 217, 7500AE Enschede
Tel: +31 53 489 1056 / Mob: +31 6 54 72 63 02

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, reencaminhada por APDR - | E-mail:

quinta-feira, outubro 18, 2012

"Call for Abstracts - IFKAD 2013 - Zagreb, Coratia - 12-14 June 2013"

"8th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics
12-14 June 2013, Zagreb - Croatia

on the theme of
Smart Growth: Organizations, Cities and Communities


Dear Josè Cadima Ribeiro,

We cordially invite you to submit a structured abstract to the 8th International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics (IFKAD2013) on the theme: “Smart Growth: Organizations, Cities and Communities”. The Forum will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, on 12-14 June 2013

The aim of the 8thIFKAD is to explore the relevance of the knowledge and intellectual capital management for supporting business organizations as well as regional and urban systems to evolve and become smarter. The focus of IFKAD2013 is on the understanding of the knowledge value drivers that influence the smart growth of organizations, local system, and communities.

In today’s business landscape the creation of sustainable value and wealth appears more and more related to the capacity of shaping smart organizational systems and communities. Increasingly the concept of ‘smart growth’ is becoming a key issue in the strategic agenda of both business organizations and public authorities. Creating and evolving towards smart, sustainable and inclusive organizations and communities emerge as a key-lever to activate and support development paths in the 21st century. This is the focus of the European Union’s Europe 2020 strategy and US Smart Growth America programme.

The IFKAD2013 includes general topics and specific track sessions focusing on key topic related to the main theme of the conference. Please visit the website to see the complete list of themes and special track sessions.

Doctoral Consortium is a specific track of the IFKAD 2013 conference dedicated to discussing the works of doctoral students. The idea is to create a forum in which doctoral students are provided with particularly constructive feedback for developing their research projects. Doctoral Consortium is targeted to PhD students at any stage of their studies. The submission criteria for Doctoral Consortium papers are the same as for other academic papers.

For the submission of the structured abstract please use the electronic upload procedure of our website. All submissions will undergo a double blind peer review. We kindly invite you to follow the authors' guidelines published on our website for structuring your abstract/paper.


All accepted and registered papers will be included in the Forum Proceedings with ISBN and ISSN number. The proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in the Thomson Reuters CPCI database (previous proceedings already indexed)
Following the Conference, authors of the selected high quality papers will be invited to submit their papers for publication in Special Issues of following high-impact international academic journals:
» Journal of Knowledge Management
» Journal of Intellectual Capital
» Knowledge Management Research and Practice
» Expert System with Applications

» Measuring Business Excellence
» International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development
» European Research on Management and Business Economics


Abstracts submission deadline: 25 January 2013
Acceptance notification to authors: 20 February 2013
Early-Bird registration deadline: 31 March 2013
Full papers submission deadline: 20 April 2013
Registration deadline: 25 May 2013
Conference sessions: 12-14 June 2013

Please, if you need further information about the IFKAD 2013 conference, do not hesitate to contact our manager at, or visit the official website:

We thank you for your interest in bringing together a successful conferenceof IFKAD 2013.
Sincerely yours

Ante Pulic, Giovanni Schiuma and JC Spender
Chairmen of IFKAD 2013"

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

terça-feira, outubro 09, 2012

"LAST CALL FOR PAPERS | Special Workshop APDR ´Modelling for Accessibility and Regional Development`"


Special Workshop APDR
 “Modelling for Accessibility and Regional Development” 

Deadline for submissions: 18 October 2012

Workshop Integrated on the seminar:

International seminar titled ‘APPLIED RESEARCH AND MODELING ADVANCES ON ACCESSIBILITY IN SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT - JOINT MEETING’ which represents a junction between two different international seminars but whose themes are related: the ‘5th Seminar of Spatial Econometrics in honor of Doctor J.H.P. Paelinck’  (dedicated to the theme of Econometrics Territorial with numerous applications in Europe and in the world) and the seminar ‘NECTAR - Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research, Cluster 6 on Accessibility Meeting ’ (dedicated to the importance of accessibility in the development of European regions). This meeting will take place in Coimbra, on 26 and 27 October 2012, at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra.

Although these two seminars have as primary objective scientific research and selection of works of excellence for possible publication, its junction also aims to present case studies on applications that demonstrate the relationship between accessibility and territorial economic development, using new analysis methodologies such as territorial econometrics.

All information about the seminar can be found here
 (, with some aspects still to be updated.

For members of APDR the Registration is 75 Euros (Non members is 100 Euros).
The dinner of the congress must be paid separately having the value of 30 Euros.

Deadline for submissions: 18 October 2012.

Abstracts should be submitted electronically, to apdr@apdr.ptusing the template that is available on
indicating in the Subject“Special Workshop APDR, “Modelling for Accessibility and Regional Development”, Coimbra - Abstract".

Abstract submission should include:
1) Title of the Paper
2) Author Information
3) Abstract Text (500 words limit) should include:
    Data / Methods
    Results / Expected Results
4) Key words

Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional
Universidade dos Açores | Rua Capitão João D'Ávila | 9700-042 - Angra do Heroísmo
Tel/Fax: (+351) 295 332 001 | | E-mail:

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)

sexta-feira, outubro 05, 2012

" 8th International Meeting 'City, Image and Memory`"

«8th International Meeting
City, Image and Memory
21 - 24 May 2013. Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
Deadline of abstracts submission: 31 January 2013
The Constructions Faculty and the Department of Architecture and Urbanism of the Universidad de Oriente, Cuba,  have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the VIII INTERNATIONAL MEETING CITY IMAGE AND MEMORY (VIII CIM) that will count with the co-auspice of Forum UNESCO University and Heritage managed by the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre (WHC), The Office of Public Works and Transport of Andalucía, the Office for the Cooperation and the Development of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, the Faculty of Architecture of the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla, the Office of the Conservative of the City of Santiago of Cuba, the National Union of Writers and Artists of  Cuba (UNEAC),  Santiago of Cuba Province and the National Union of Architects and Engineers of the Construction of Cuba (UNAICC), Santiago of Cuba Province. As in the previous editions, it will be developed ha! ving as headquarters to Santiago of Cuba, from May 21 to May 24, 2013. 
Topic: Heritage and its Challenges in the 21st Century 
  • Conservation of the modern heritage. Challenges and perspectives. 
  • Researches and experiences in the performances in heritage sites. 
  • The professional training and the interdisciplinary work for the recovery of heritage. 
  • Students workshop for the evaluation of heritage in the 21st century. 
Presentation of papers
  • Oral: communications of 10 minutes and debates in round tables. 
  • Poster: 940 mm x 700 mm (a maximum of 2 posters per work) 
  • Videos: as a complement of the works (not longer than 10 minutes). 
  • Audiovisual: Power point, multimedia, videos  
The papers will be presented in digital format, in Microsoft Word (Arial No. 12), single spaced and with a maximum of 12 pages that include graphics, planes and annexes. The beginnings of each paragraph will be aligned, separating each paragraph with a space. The document will have a margin of 2.5 cm in its four borders. The notes and the feet of pictures will be presented at the end of the document, properly indexed in the text. It is recommended to process the text as austere as possible, avoiding the use of the double column, and different types of letters and sizes. The abstract will have a maximum of 250 words written in a separated sheet, in Spanish or English.
The abstract will contain the theme and sub-themes, title of the paper, the authors' names and contact data, specifying scientific and/or educational category, institutions that represent and their postal and electronic addresses.
Post event course
It will be on the thematic of the modern heritage, its challenges and perspectives
Date: May 25- 2013
Cubans: 30.00 CUP
Foreigners: 30.00 CUC
The abstracts submission deadline is January 31- 2013.
The acceptance of the topics will be before February 15 2013
The papers submission deadline is April 1- 2013.
The abstracts, as well as the papers, will be published in CD-ROM with ISBN. 
Registration quotas   

Foreign delegates: 250.00 CUC  

Accompanying persons and students: 100.00 CUC  
Cuban delegates: 250.00 CUP  
Cuban students: 100.00 CUP  

These inscription quotas include: participation in sessions of the event, documentation, CD and other materials, visits and planned journeys and welcome and closing activities as well as lunches and snacks.  


The abstracts and the papers should be sent by email to:  

or by postcard or DHL to:  
Orient University. Construction Faculty. Headquarters Julio Antonio Mella. The Americas
Avenue, L Street. s/n, Allotment Amplification of Terraces
C.P. 90400, Santiago of  Cuba, Cuba.

Telephone: (53-22) 642908»

(reprodução de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, reenviada por Paula Cristina Remoaldo)

sexta-feira, setembro 28, 2012

Revista REDES - Vol. 17, No 2 (2012)

«Caros leitores,

A Revista Redes acaba de publicar seu novo número em 
Convidamos todos a navegar no sumário da revista para acessar os artigos e itens de interesse.

Agradecemos seu interesse em nosso trabalho,

Virginia Elisabeta Etges
Silvio Cezar Arend

Grasiela da Conceição
Assistente Editorial

Vol. 17, No 2 (2012)

(reprodução parcial de mensagem que me caiu entretanto na caixa de correio electrónico, proveniente da entidade identificada)